Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Second Writing Assignment

Second Writing Assignment

Q After reading Charles B. Dew’s Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War, write a 750 - 1,000-word essay answering the following question: What were the causes of the American Civil War? Here are a few questions to guide your thinking as you read the book and prepare your essay: What three images did the secession commissioners from Lower South states evoke to convince the Upper South states of the necessity of secession? How did Confederate leaders frame the causes of secession during and after the war? Were they consistent or did they contradict themselves? How did this book affect your understanding of the causes of the American Civil War? You will turn in your essays via Canvas. This assignment is due by midnight on Saturday July 11.

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1. It can be said that secession usually applied to the outbreak of the American Civil War which comprises of the different series of events that began on 20th December, 1860 and was extended through 8th June of the next year when it was observed that there were eleven states in the Lower and Upper South severed their ties with the union. This slender volume tries to examine the overall work of secession commissioners who were sent from the Deep South to other slave states during the winter of 1860-1861.